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The PTO relies on a great number of volunteers throughout the year for a variety of events and activities. This page explains the volunteer process and showcases just some of the opportunities available to those who are able to volunteer their time. If any of the below events/activities look like something you’d like to help with, please reach out to us at or complete the Board of Volunteers form found here.


​We’d like to thank the parents that have volunteered with all of our events and activities in the past, and hope that you’ll continue to support Middleton this year!


Volunteer Process
All volunteers at SoWashCo Schools are required to apply through an online application to create their district profile. Per School Board Policy 903.5 Volunteer Background Checks, all volunteers must complete a background check.

The process to obtain a background check is completed online through the volunteer application. Volunteers will get an automatic reminder to update their background check when they are near the two-year renewal date.

It takes approximately 4-5 business days for the background check to process. The cost is $5, which will be paid online. Anyone who does not have access to a computer, or needs to pay in a different way should contact Community Education.

This is the link to the Volunteer Account to see if you need to update your background check:
Parent Volunteer Portal Account Sign-In



Events that need chairs, co-chairs, or parent volunteers include:​



This event is our biggest fundraiser and typically takes place in the fall.  Needs include: one or two people to chair the event, planning/prizes, fundraising/donation organization, and volunteers to run the event.


Book Fair

Middleton typically holds three book fairs throughout the year in November, February, and May.  Our book fairs raise money through Scholastic to purchase books for our school classrooms and library, along with other classroom necessities.  Volunteer needs include a one - two people to chair, setup/takedown, parents to take shifts selling books (shifts are usually 1-2 hours), restocking books as needed.  This year, we will likely hold at least one if not all book fairs virtually.


​Art & STEM Fair

This event needs include helping with planning, entry evaluation, and setup/take down.


Sports Outings

Middleton will have outings with the Timberwolves, Wild, and Twins.  Needs include organizing ticket sales, seating arrangements, and distributing tickets (via email or sent home with students).


Website Maintenance

The Middleton PTO website needs updating about once weekly.  This role can be split among one or two people.  The site is run on a simple platform and is easy to add/remove information as needed.​

Restaurant Nights

We have restaurant nights covered this year but will need someone to take over soon! This includes contacting local restaurants to set up nights for our community to enjoy lunch/dinner, and a percentage of profits come right back to our PTO.


Reading Rivalry

This event is for 3rd - 5th graders.  Each grade level will have teams of students to read ten books, followed by a competition in the spring answering questions about the books.  Volunteer duties include a chair to organize the event and volunteers, parent volunteers to coach teams, creating study guides, and helping out on the day of the event.  


Picture Day

Parent volunteers are needed to assist with making sure kids are camera ready - checking hair is in place or making sure faces are free of evidence of snacks/lunch.



This event is one of our biggest community builders and typically occurs in April.  Needs include: One or two people chair the event, reaching out to donors for auction items, organizing classroom baskets.  We will also need volunteers on the day of the event to set up, run games and activities, sell food, and cleanup.


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