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Box Tops for Education


Box Tops for Education offers parents and kids easy, everyday ways to earn cash for our school. Since 1996, 90,000 schools in America have earned more than $525 million all through the Box Tops for Education program. Here at Middleton, we have earned $35,788 in total throughout the years. Last year we had a record year, collecting 50,000 Box Tops! We receive a check twice a year from General Mills for submitted Box Tops. That money can go towards anything the PTO designates. 


Each Box Top is worth 10¢ and there are numerous Bonus Box Top offers throughout the year. Look for the Box Top Logo on more than 240 participating products. For more information on products with Box Tops visit


Look for specially marked packages for a chance to win ONE MILLION Bonus Box Tops or up to 10,000 instant win prizes for our school. 


This is what a Box Top looks like. These are found on more than 250 participating products from Cereal to produce, office products and apparel just to mention a few. Sometimes stores such as Rainbow, Cub and Walgreens will offer Bonus and eBoxTops at the register with checkout. 


Send clipped and Bonus Box Tops in a labeled baggie with the student's name and teacher. A mailing label works nicely, as we can easily reuse the bag during submission. 


You can send in as many as you like, whenever you like. It is easier for the counters to have the bag contain quantities of 10. Example: 1 baggie containing 20, 30 or 120. We will package into quantities of 50 when submitting to General Mills. 


You can send in any day you like. There may be more than one contest throughout the year but look for a big classroom contest after winter break. 


As a school, we get 10¢ for each Box Top we submit. Last year we collected more than 50,000 as a school. That's more than $5,000. 


Students who choose to participate can receive a zipper pull reward as they reach tally milestones. 


All you need to do to participate is send Box Tops in with the student's name and teacher's name clearly marked on the bag. We tally and give the zipper pull to the teacher the following week. 


If you participated last year, you can participate again this year and get more zipper pulls. The tally starts at zero each year. 

You can earn 70 eBox Tops for your school when you purchase 3 participating Box Tops for Education items at Sam's Club, then text or email your receipt to or submit online at Offer runs now through July 3, 2015


NOTE: To include the eBox Tops in the Classroom Contest just print out the confirmation email or text message and send in to classroom. 

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