DONATE to the PTO general fund:
![PayPal Button](https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donate_LG.gif)
![PayPal Button](https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/scr/pixel.gif)
Upcoming Calendar:
January 29 - Cafe Zupas Night - 5-7 PM
February 1 - March 3 - Chili's month
February 11 - Culver’s Night, hosted by 5th Grade
Feed the Teachers
Conference Nights are coming again! We like to feed our hard working staff on these long nights. Please grab a slot or two - it's so much appreciated!
Thursday: Taco Night - https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C044EAFAD28ABF85-feed5
Tuesday: Sandwich Bar - https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C044EAFAD28ABF85-feed6
Winter Book Fair
Do you know what's so amazing about the book fair this February? The school earns 75% back in Scholastic Dollars. We typically earn 55%, but due to the # of book fairs we hold each year, Scholastic is adding an additional 15% to our return. All of these dollars go back to our teachers, staff & students! Another exciting part of the winter book fair is that we are running a "Bottle Cap Collection" contest.
We will be collecting bottle caps for an art fair project (more details to come). The class that collects the most bottle caps in each grade will be put in a drawing to win a free book ($7.99 or less) from the book fair. But, first, please consider volunteering for a shift or two. All volunteers qualify for a Buy 2 Get 1 Free at the end of your shift (limit 2 free books/2hr shift worked). Our book fair success depends on you! Thank you for volunteering! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c044eafad28abf85-winter3
Carnival is Coming Up!
We have started our planning for this year's Carnival and we need YOUR help!
- Do you own a business or work for a company that loves to help? If so, we are seeking donations for our silent auction, raffle, and/or sponsorship of any of our activities that night. Please reach out to Rachel at yourmiddletonpto@gmail.com for more information, thank you!
- We have several opportunities that you can do from the comfort of your home - at your convenience - you can help by calling a few businesses that have made past donations, planning our cookie decorating or craft project, organizing games and prizes, and much more!
Please contact Rachel at yourmiddletonpto@gmail.com if you are interested in helping us make this year's Carnival a huge success!! We cannot do this without all the dedicated volunteers, thank you!
Also, check out our silent auction/raffle items here. This page will be updated as things come in, so check back often!
Thank you to Woodbury Dental, Thrivent, Henseler & Kocian Orthodontics, Urgency Room, and Marea Anderson Designs for sponsoring our event!
PTO Board Openings
Some members of the PTO board will complete their two year term this June and we will be looking to fill a few open positions next year. We'd love to talk to anyone who may be interested in coming "on board"! We'd love to have a part of the year to train and gradually transition. Please reach out if you think you'd be interested in being a board member - there's no commitment in having a conversation!
Submit Yearbook Pictures
Every year the yearbook committee relies on your pictures to help fill the pages!
This year, we have a really great option to add our pictures! The process is listed below. If you still would rather email the photos, that is still an option: middletonyearbooks@gmail.com.
Instructions for Adding Photos to the Yearbook
Do you have great photos from this school year? We would love for you to share those with the yearbook! In order for your photo to be considered, please follow these steps:
1. Visit the Lifetouch Community Image Upload Page: community.lifetouch.com
2. Set up an account (you will only need to do this once. Once you are set up, you will be able to go back in and add more)
3. The 2018-19 Community Code is: GAGIEV
4. Click on “upload image”
* Before you upload, please check to make sure that the name of your file is less than 25 characters or it won’t upload
* The higher the resolution (up to 10 MB), the better the quality in the yearbook - if the pic is too small, we won’t be able to use
* Follow additional instructions on the upload page
5. Click on browse - then select the photo
6. If you have another photo, click on the next browse box and repeat
7. Once the photos are added, hit upload
8. In the “keyword” please add the grade of the individuals in the photo and/or the event
9. In the “description” please provide us with information about the photo
10: In category - select misc. - we’ll move the photo to the folder where it needs to go
A few things to keep in mind:
● We try to get as many candids into the yearbook as possible, but we do
sometimes get more submissions than we are able to use
● Forward facing, in focus photos are the best
● Photos submitted in close proximity to the event have the best chance of being used
● The yearbook deadline submission is typically late March or early April and we need to have all pages finished by that time - so the sooner the better for submissions
Thank you for helping us make this the best yearbook yet!
Ongoing Fundraising Options
Kowalski's: Whenever you shop at Kowalski’s, ask for a second receipt and place it in the labeled box for Middleton at the front of the store (Starbucks receipts count!!). There is no minimum purchase. It is based on the number of receipts submitted!
Nickelodeon Universe Wristbands: The Middleton Office will sell wristbands to Nickelodeon Universe in the Mall of America for $25.
Amazon Smile: Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice. Visit smile.amazon.com for more information.
Papa John's Pizza: Receive 20% off and Middleton gets 20% of the total for online orders using code MIDDLE. Share this with family and friends! www.papajohns.com
Contacting PTO
Facebook: YourMiddletonPTO
Email: yourmiddletonpto@gmail.com
Twitter: @833MiddletonPTO
Learn about the PTO Board: www.yourmiddletonpto.org/about_us